Hi, guys!
We are living in a moment where not even the most pessimistic of human beings thought we would live in this 2020: we are in a global pandemic. Yes, COVID-19 took away all our plans for this 2020, where absolutely everything went into a wave of pause and/or cancellation because basic things like meetings, contact and travel became prohibited topics in a short period of time.
Our area, video games, is an area that manages to deal relatively well with this – as our work basically depends on machines (and human capital, of course!), where we have a computer and the Internet we can perform our duties. Also, we don’t have that pressure that other markets are under, as our field is growing more than ever, as people are stuck at home, so they’re busy with games of all types and styles.
With that all came a new reality that we had to get used to by force (and which I dare say will be adopted at least partially after all this is over): working from home. But how to maintain productivity in times of pandemic, locked at home and having to deal with the rain of information that plagues us every day? I’m going to give you some tips on what’s been working with me and our team, and maybe it can help you too.
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Have your dedicated space to work
This tip 10 out of 10 people give, but it’s really true. And I speak for myself – while I had a laptop on my lap working I had a performance, after I set up my desk with all my work equipment, it got so much better!
So, having my space there with my computer, my peripherals, my colored pens and my weekly work planner definitely helped me feel more comfortable during my working hours.
Set a routine
This has been my biggest challenge and my biggest effort during the quarantine. Although here at GamePlan we work 3 days a week in the office / 2 at home, it was difficult to get used to a routine 100% of the time at home, mainly because the contact with people on the team that could be done live is made through video calls or other means of communication. Not to mention our client meetings as well.
We have all been policed so that we don’t stretch out after the usual hours, so as not to overload anyone – even if the person is stressed after a busy day, he can’t even go out for a walk and relieve himself.
So define a work, meal and leisure routine within your preferences, and try to follow them, at least on business days. The difference this makes is stark.
![productivity in pandemic](https://i0.wp.com/compass.gameplan.games/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/compass-comomantersuaprodutividade-planner.jpg?resize=800%2C462&ssl=1)
Take your time but organize your priorities
It has never been demanded of our minds as much as it has been in recent times. It’s concern with politics, health, work, relationships and so many other things that there are days that the head just doesn’t work. It’s been like that with me too, believe me! Sometimes tasks that would take 10 minutes end up taking longer, due to sheer lack of ability to concentrate properly.
So here’s the tip: organize your time so that you can give yourself the “luxury” of spending more time on simpler tasks, but that you don’t fail to fulfill your obligations. I have a weekly planner where I distribute my activities on a daily basis, always putting the ones I have to do on that day first, and then the others that can be postponed. And when I go along with the tasks, I go through with a highlighter what has already been done. It helps me a lot both in terms of organization and also in terms of productivity – seeing that it was accomplished, I feel more motivated to do the rest or I can see if I can take a breather…
Don’t charge yourself so much
In times of pandemic we have been charged in every way. We charge ourselves for performance, for knowledge, for activity, for everything. Do not do it.
There are days when we don’t feel well, and it’s all right – we are living in times where we have to deal with a very high emotional charge in the middle of a situation where we have no control over anything and we are passive to something that we don’t know how long it will take. If you are one of those who can take new courses, exercise, eat well and not have sad days along the way, great! But if you’re doing your best to balance your work/study with your physical and emotional health, that’s fine too.
I know that looking at people we have seen that there are people managing to do a million things, things that we might even like to do too, but don’t charge yourself for that. Try to take care of things that are good for you, especially for your head. If doing yoga will make you more relaxed, invest. If a new course is going to help you occupy your mind, go for it. If a glass of wine will help you relax and sleep peacefully, enjoy! The important thing is not to compare yourself with anyone, after all, no one is equal to another and each one deals with situations in adverse ways.
Stand back if you’re feeling overwhelmed
The news is not good, especially in Brazil. And seeing the amount of bad stuff can compromise not only your job performance but your mental health, which is more important than ever. After all, how can you dedicate yourself to professional tasks on days when you just want to cry or not get out of bed afraid of everything that could happen?
I was just like that. Looking at the news, the studies, the projections about the pandemic, I realized that my mental health was being directly impacted – I couldn’t sleep, I didn’t eat well and I felt so tired every day that it felt like I had run a marathon.
What did I do? I walked away from everything. I stopped watching newspapers, TV, spent less time on social networks. I’ve been reading my books that were stuck, my courses that I hadn’t taken, and it’s made me better. I was able to alienate myself, especially outside my work hours, and my life has been better. I know that not everyone has this privilege, but if you are one of them, enjoy!
![productivity in pandemic](https://i0.wp.com/compass.gameplan.games/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/compass-comomantersuaprodutividade-ler.jpg?resize=800%2C533&ssl=1)
In over an year working from home without being able to go to the office, this was the best way I found to adjust to this new reality that we are living. Unfortunately we still have no control and no idea of how long we have to stay like this, but it happens. Being able to adapt to adversity is also part of our growth, both personally and professionally.
People who live with other people and/or have young children are working hard to get everything they need to do. My tip for everyone is: one day at a time, to not freak out. If you think too much ahead, it creates expectation and expectation is the mother of frustration. I, for example, thought things would be better on my birthday, which was in April, but I was wrong. That didn’t stop me from throwing a small party to (virtually) celebrate my birthday – although the cake and sweets were very real!
Take a deep breath, cry, exercise, do what you feel like (but without leaving the house!). We’re all going through ups and downs, and it’s okay not to be okay all the time. But everything will be fine!
And you, how have you been dealing with these days at home? Do you have any tips on how to help people keep their best at home?